Kara J Smith
Business + Sports + Design
A bit about me,
In 2014, I ran in the Nike Women's Half Marathon series in Washington, DC. As a former D1 basketball player, this event is the best sporting event that I have ever been apart of. The entire experience delighted me: from finding my name on the wall at the marathon expo to feeling like the field marketing was speaking directly to me and receiving a Tiffany's necklace instead of a medial. Every interaction was perfectly executed. This thoughtfulness of execution is a product of human-centered design and the design thinking process.
I believe that any company can achieve this customer delight, especially sports organizations and I want to help these companies achieve this goal.
Currently, I am pursuing an MBA and an MS in Design Innovation from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Prior to Kellogg, I worked at Deloitte Consulting in finance, strategy, and technology functions.
I am passionate about helping companies solve problems using a human-centered design approach.